Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PR Summer Checklist

Summer is just around the corner, and that means that you'll have a bit more time on your hands. What are some things us PR students can do with this extra time? Take a look at my checklist below to find out. 
1. Update your resume & LinkedIn profile
First, take a look at your current resume. What can be removed or replaced? Have you accomplished more this semester than ever before? Get rid of any fillers to make room for the most important stuff. Be sure to quantify as much as possible, showing key accomplishments from projects you've worked on. The same goes for your LinkedIn profile. With LinkedIn however,  you can go into a bit more detail, explaining your projects more in depth.  
2. Refresh your Twitter headline
Have you been elected into a new position within a student organization, or get a new internship or job? Update your Twitter headline to let people know! Always be sure to have a professional headline, and ask yourself, “Would I want to follow me?”. If it’s not there already, add a link to your LinkedIn page, blog or website.
3. Start a blog
Summer is the perfect time to start a new blog. What type of PR are you most interested? Pick a focus and get creative. A blog is the best way to show off your writing skills, and create your own personal niche. Having a professional blog can give you great talking points to use during interviews and especially while networking.
4. Plan for future internships
Take the time to research companies and industries you are most interested in. Create a list of your most desired internships and get familiar with them. Look at what you have coming up in the next year, and figure out which internship would fit best with your schedule. Use the summer to reach out to these organizations and conduct informational interviews. 
The key to these checkpoints is consistency. Make sure your resume info matches your LinkedIn info and make sure you’re presenting yourself online professionally! All of these tips will hopefully put you in a better position to gain an internship for next school year. Any other points to add to this check list? Let us know!

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