Friday, March 20, 2009

WalMart Text Hoax

I was talking to a fellow PRowler yesterday and she mentioned how her sister had a received a text about gang activity taking place at their local WalMart last night. Being located in a dangerous part of Philadelphia, neither of us doubted its credibility. I recommended that she stay far away from that area, and not leave the house!

As I waded through the Internet today, I came across an article on Advertising Age about the text scam! The texts started circulating on Wednesday and were said to have hit over 16 states. The texts were tailored to the local conditions, with one text in New Mexico stating that "three women are to be killed in an initiation rite for a Mexican gang."

This is not only scary for local residents who receive these texts but worse for WalMart, whose traffic was affected by the text message hoax. WalMart hopes that they, with help from police and the media, can squash these gang activity rumors in time for their midnight Twilight parties celebrating the release of the DVD and related merchandise tonight.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I recieved the same text last night and I live in Oregon. I figured it was some hoax because there isn't "gang activity" around our local wally-world