Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twitter has what new feature?!

Leave it to one of the most talked about social media upstarts, microblogging site Twitter, to come up with their newest and most intriguing feature... Twitpay.

In this article in the New York Times, Twitpay is highlighted:

"Twitpay is a start-up that aims to allow people to send small payments through Twitter. To do this they include the recipients’ username in their message. For example, posting the update “@johnsmith twitpay $10 for lunch” would deliver the cash to that Twitterer’s Twitpay account. The company monitors the public stream of messages for the keyword “twitpay” and facilitates the exchange. You replenish your Twitpay account using a site like PayPal. Once recipients have accumulated more than $10 in their accounts, the balance can be cashed out in the form of an Amazon gift card."

This new feature is really something that will make Twitter stand out in the social media arena. I'm interested in seeing where Twitter takes these ideas, as well as how Twitter users will react once this feature if finalized.

In what ways do you think Twitpay will affect the popularity of other social media sites like Facebook or MySpace?

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